Saturday, 18 September 2010

"The trail gets gnarlier as you go on" – advice from old dude as we start on the Palm Canyon Trail

"The trail gets gnarlier as you go on" – advice from old dude as we start on the Palm Canyon Trail

Up at dawn for sunrise across the Grand Canyon and goodbye to El Tovar and nice daytime drive by JT and CT 300 miles back to Las Vegas. Still crazy gambling and at the airport ads for guns – "Try One! Shoot a real machine gun! MP 5, UZI, THOMPSON ,MP40, AK47, STEN, M16, GREASEGUN ,M249, SAW" all in the airport.

On to a United Airlines Brazilian turboprop for the flight to Palm Springs where Connie and Terry were waiting at the airport and off by car to Borrego Springs where we are staying in the lap of luxury at the home of their friends Nick and Bonnie.

The desert is wonderful and HOT DAMNED HOT about 105F in the day time and down to a low of 80F in the evening. We have been to see the Badlands from Fonts Point (nothing to do with printing) – a truly staggering sight as the sun went down yesterday.

Today up at 06.00 to walk the Palm Canyon Trail into the desert where we had to carry a gallon of water per person as the temperature rose to 106F by the time we returned to base. At the summit of the trek we arrived at a lovely oasis where the temperature dropped to a cool 80F. Just outside the oasis we found an unexpected herd of Big Horn Sheep which were more like mountain goats high on the rugged mountainside above the canyon where we were. The sheep climbed up rocks with ease and were a delight to watch.

The desert has a very special quality of serenity and at the same time a feeling of unease knowing that many people have perished in this daunting and potentially hostile landscape.

Tomorrow we fly to Denver and then on to Rapid City with Connie and Terry for the South Dakota sojourn and more adventure as the nation unfolds as we start to go east and leave California.

Love to you all


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