Thursday, 9 September 2010

From the ocean


The seals are basking in the sun on the ocean shore as the pelicans fly overhead here in La Jolla.

London seems a long time ago - it was yesterday that we left and spent some time in the air to make it to San Fancisco en route to San Deigo.

The drive from Reading to Heathrow was quite bizzare with a bonkers coach driver who was keen to try to hit low flying herons on the M4. The Ibis hotel at Heathrow was very busy (as a result of the tube strike) and so we went out to eat at Barcello's chicken diner in the Airport Bowl next door - great value and quite nice chicken and chips.

Flying into San Deigo last night the downtown skyscrapers and freeways were spectacularly close to the flightpath - a wonderful night scene.

Today we have been out with Helene and Vincent to the shore with their beloved "Pascal" - a cross between a chihuhah and terrier - who was rescued by them from the flood in New Orleans. The name of Pascal is in honour of his home state Louisiana and Helene says of him "Le coeur a ses raisons que la raison ne connais pas"

Also here in the condo is "Pagliacco" the nice little cockateel with the small red dots on his cheeks. His name derives from the Opera Il Pagliacci (The Clowns) by Leoncavallo.

We are off to the pub for a meal now and so we will write again over the weekend when we get to see Katie.

Love to you all



  1. sounds tough out there...
    glad to hear all went smoothly.

    see u on the 2nd..

    j xx

  2. wish you were here - grey and rainy today!

    P x

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing a picture of Pascal, the cross between a chihoohah and a terrier!
