Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Please do not photograph the General's dentures......

Amazing signs crop up - this one was in a room in the visitor centre at Mount Vernon, George Washington's home on the Potomac.
Visited the Library of Congress with Elizabeth and Alan and then on to dinner with Charles and Mary Ellen. At last the siblings and partners together while we are all in our 60's.
Six US Marshalls turned up on Argyle Terrace with a gang of immigrant helpers to throw out the possessions of one of Charles' neighbours. The bank had foreclosed on John and Charles heroically helped by getting plastic sheets to cover soft furnishings. Then we went with Charles to hire a 26 foot UHaul truck to take care of John's house contents still left on his front lawn.
We went to the lovely Politics and Prose bookshop and cafe a couple of times. Saw Wall Street with Charles and Mary Ellen who were able to identify many of the Characters in the movie.
It was a such fun to stay in DC and Charles saw us off to New York from the elegant train station.
Love to you all

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